
Robert O’Neill was born and raised in Torrance, California. Growing up, he was a very shy kid that kept to himself most of the time. Once he was in highschool, he broke out of his shell and discovered he had a passion for acting. He completely escaped the shyness and starred in several high school productions, which back then, were big community events. After high school however, Robert made a wrong turn and went down the path of alcoholism. Eventually, he burned out at 27, realizing he was not happy where he was in his life, he decided to get sober and began a new chapter in his life.
 Robert got married, became a father, and began a career with Verizon. His daughter grew up and became an accomplished singer and got to perform around the world. He realized then, how magical and cathartic performing for audiences was and wanted a chance to do it again. After retiring, he knew from his past, he needed to avoid isolation and began taking acting classes at the local junior college. 
After taking a couple classes, he realized this is what he is meant to do. This then led him to begin classes at a professioal artist workshop based out of Los Angeles, taught by Gary Imhoff. Since jumping back into acting, he's played a detective on a podcast, a creepy old man on a PSA, and had a co-starring role on a short film ‘Fo Da Culture’, which has been accepted to the International Black and Diversity Film Festival, which will be held in February of 2021. He has also starred in many episodes on The Oxygen Network series, “In Ice Cold Blood'' for season three, and will be starring in season four once filming production opens back up.